United States, 1986 - 5'
1985 Shot in New York while Chus was completing her film studies. A man lives his last moments of life in a motel room next to a mysterious woman and surrounded by the police.
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1985 Shot in New York while Chus was completing her film studies. A man lives his last moments of life in a motel room next to a mysterious woman and surrounded by the police.

Full Cast and Crew

Director: Chus Gutiérrez
Guion: Chus Gutiérrez
Producer: Chus Gutiérrez
Film Editing: Chus Gutiérrez Howard Monath
Cinematography: Aldo De Cecco
Music: Nana Simopoulos
Other: Eliana Kunzi, Francesco Di Molfetta

Chus Gutiérrez

Chus Gutiérrez was born in Granada in 1962. Her family moved to Madrid when she was 8 years old. She left home at the age of 17 to study English in London. On her return to Spain, she happened to start working in the field of audiovisuals. In 1983, she decides to undertake film studies in New York.

Sobre Mujeres de Cine

MUJERES DE CINE es una iniciativa que nace en 2010 con el propósito de promocionar, dinamizar y dar a conocer el cine hecho por mujeres.Consta de una itinerancia nacional e internacional con más de 20 sedes anuales que reúne lo más destacado del cine español realizado por mujeres y que acompañamos de presentaciones, coloquios y mesas redondas en torno a la situación de la mujer en el cine y en la cultura.
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28013 Madrid, España
Por favor, realiza el contacto por email y a través de redes sociales siempre que fuera posible
Ana Isabel Palacios anapalacios@mujeresdecine.com
Pablo Caballero pablo@river-lab.com
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