Spain, 2021 - 108'
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An everyday person inherits an enormous house from their grandparents and with it, a series of responsibilities and surprises. However, the talent and skills of the former inhabitants are not passed on. Fortunately, they continue to linger in the house, and they won’t take long to make an appearance. Their names are Emma Cohen and Fernando Fernán Gómez.

Full Cast and Crew

Director: Helena de Llanos
Guion: Helena de Llanos
Cinematography: Almudena Sánchez
Other: Helena de Llanos Tristán Ulloa Ainara Mateos Carmen Soler Marta Belenguer Ana Blanco de Córdova José Gonçalo Pais Jon Rod Rebeca Sala


Festival de Valladolid - Seminci  2021
Sección oficial
Premios Feroz  2021
Nominada a Feroz Arrebato de no ficción (Premio Especial)

Helena de Llanos

My work swings between documentary and fiction. I have made films which take on different themes and characters (from Bolivian president Evo Morales and his rise to power from a gender perspective, to a group of workers in an esparto grass factory in the south of Spain). I have always been interested in the cross between cinema and art, citizens’ participation in cultural creation, and memory.

From the years 2011 to 2016 I formed part of the collective Cine sin Autor. With A Journey Somewhere, I rearticulate lessons already learned and make a leap to a territory inhabited by other forms of story-telling in images influenced by the personality and the work of Fernán Gómez and Emma Cohen.

My film works are situated in the context of the artistic and cultural industries, engaging a dialogue with other disciplines and concerns of a socio-political nature. To date, most of my work has been produced under a Creative Commons license and, in general, by participating in alternative distribution contexts.

Sobre Mujeres de Cine

MUJERES DE CINE es una iniciativa que nace en 2010 con el propósito de promocionar, dinamizar y dar a conocer el cine hecho por mujeres.Consta de una itinerancia nacional e internacional con más de 20 sedes anuales que reúne lo más destacado del cine español realizado por mujeres y que acompañamos de presentaciones, coloquios y mesas redondas en torno a la situación de la mujer en el cine y en la cultura.
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Plaza de Callao 1, planta 5ª, oficina 9
28013 Madrid, España
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