Thanks to the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and The Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain in Washington, DC; Mujeres de Cine - the initiative that was born in 2010 with the purpose of promoting Spanish films made by women - presents 'Nosotras Contamos', an online exhibition that brings together some of the most outstanding voices of current Spanish cinema.

In it we find the latest works of filmmakers Helena de Llanos and Rocío Mesa: Viaje a alguna parte and Secaderos.

Two films that offer us their own unique voice with women as protagonists: either immersing us in the dreamlike universe of Secaderos (Tobacco Barns), through the tobacco dryers of a small town in Granada, paradise of a city girl and the cage of a local teenager; or as an audiovisual collage in which Helena de Llanos explores the figure of her grandfather, Fernando Fernán Gómez, from the archives of the house he shared for decades with his beloved partner Emma Cohen, in the case of Viaje a alguna parte (Journey to Somewhere).

Both films approach his work from different perspectives and invite us to listen to his voice, beyond the story itself.

The selected films can be viewed online with free access from November 23rd to 30th.

Secaderos 95'

Rocío Mesa

Viaje a alguna parte 108'

Helena de Llanos

Sobre Mujeres de Cine

MUJERES DE CINE es una iniciativa que nace en 2010 con el propósito de promocionar, dinamizar y dar a conocer el cine hecho por mujeres.Consta de una itinerancia nacional e internacional con más de 20 sedes anuales que reúne lo más destacado del cine español realizado por mujeres y que acompañamos de presentaciones, coloquios y mesas redondas en torno a la situación de la mujer en el cine y en la cultura.
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28013 Madrid, España
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